Microsoft PowerPoint Tutorial
You will learn the following:
Lesson 1. Getting started, selecting slide templates, slide master
2. Creating slides in slide view and outline view
3. Creating graphics and graphs
4. Inserting images, clipart and movies
5. Builds, transitions and onscreen shows
Helpful hints for PowerPoint users
Special notes
If you do not have your own copy of PowerPoint:
· The Department of Biochemistry currently has three general use Macintosh computers in
room 302 of the Biochemistry Addition. They are available to all Biochemistry students
via fob access.
· DoIT maintains a list of computer labs on campus that are open to all students. You can
view the list at
· If you would like to purchase Microsoft PowerPoint, it is available at a substantial
discount from DoIT ($81) as part of the Microsoft Office Suite, see
Need more help?
The Media Lab staff in rm 401 is there to help. They can teach you how to make, or consult and
help you make, or completely create your PowerPoint talk for you. You can find out more
information on the web at The Media Lab’s web site
contains many “How to’s” on popular problems you will run in to as you create your PowerPoint
presentations, Posters and Research articles.
Ready to give your talk?
The Biochemistry auditoriums in rooms 175 & B1118, have built-in computers. These Macintosh
computers have drives for floppies, CDs, zip discs, pen drives, and are also on the Department’s
network. Feel free to bring your personal laptop in and connect it to the built-in projection system in
either of these rooms. Remember, to be safe, test your talk I N A D V A NC E of your presentation
date. The rooms are fob accessible.
Whenever you intend to “show” your presentation on a computer other than the one it is developed
on, it is a good idea to place a copy of the file, AND a copy of any included movies, into a special
transfer folder, then use that folder to move the files to the second computer.
· Place a folder called “Movies” in the same transfer folder as your presentation.
· Place the movies you want to include into this “Movies” folder.
· Use the Insert/Movies mode of PPT to place those movies into your presentation.
· Now, when you move the transfer folder to any other computer, a copy of each required movie
goes too, AND, they are in a folder (relative path) that your presentation can recognize and use.
Information Technology Media Center | Department of Biochemistry | UW–Madison | Tutorials
For security reasons, the computers in rooms 175 and B1118 do not appear on the Macintosh
Chooser Appletalk menu. Instead, there is a separate server called “Maitre d” in the Biochemistry
AppleTalk zone. Log on as “guest” via the chooser (no username or password required), or as
“” via ftp (username: transfer, password: bioshow). Place a copy of your
transfer folder (label with your name, please!) into the “pub” subdirectory of this server. You can
retrieve it onto the auditorium Mac before your presentation. OO R … go directly to one of the
auditoriums and link to your computer from there and then transfer your files.
The images and screen dumps throughout this tutorial are from Microsoft Office X on a Macintosh.
The specific screens you see on YOUR computer will depend upon the version of PPT you are
running and the current preference settings… Don’t panic! The menus and options are pretty much
similar for any PPT version on Mac and PC.
Information Technology Media Center | Department of Biochemistry | UW–Madison | Tutorials
Lesson 1. Getting started Master & Template
1) Open PowerPoint.
Double click on the H a rd D r ive folder icon
Double click on the Appli c a tions folder then the M i c roso f t O f f i c e X folder
Double click on the M i c roso f t Pow e r Point program
Starting a new
presentation. When you first
open PPT, the program will
show you the project gallery,
choose PowerPoint and a blank
presentation will open.
3) Selecting a slide
layout. The next window to
pop up will ask you about the
general layout of the slides that
you wish to use in this
presentation. Although there are
many options here (title slides,
slides with or without additional
text, slides with graphs, slides with clipart, etc) don’t let this bother you! Any particular slide can be
changed later, and you can insert images, graphs, or movies at any stage on any kind of slide. You
can see all 24 possible layouts by scrolling within this dialogue box.
Se l e ct a generic slide layout with title and text called “Bull e t ed L is t ”, as shown above.
Cli ck on the indicated slide template, then click O K . The chosen slide (blank) will now fill your
Note: depending upon how PPT is configured
when first installed, and the settings in the PPT
customize folder (Tools/customize), the various
toolbars and menus may look different from
platform to platform.
Don’t panic! All PPT functions are available
somewhere in the menus and toolbars, you may
just have to hunt a bit to find them.
Key point: PPT can “work” with text in several different modes. If text is added into the title
object box (“click to add title”), the program will forever recognize the particular information you
placed on this slide as a “title object”, which means that it and all other similar title objects can be
collectively and uniformly formatted by the Master Slide (see below). Likewise, any outline text
added to the “body object” box (“click to add text”) can be collectively formatted for style, color,
bullets, etc, on the master slide.
Information Technology Media Center | Department of Biochemistry | UW–Madison | Tutorials
4) Use the Master Slide!!! You may set the background color, text size, font and style for each
slide in your presentation by using the various menus at the top of the screen but it is much easier to
pick a common format by specifying your preferences on the Master slide. This format will
automatically be followed for all slides in your presentation, unless you turn it off for particular
slides or chose to change any elements for a particular slide.
Choose the “VV i e w ” menu, then “M a s t e r ” then “SSl i de
M a st e r ”
Choose the “Fo rmat ” menu, and then explore the
various options in the “M a s t e r l ayout”, “S l ide color
scheme”, “B a ckground” and “ Apply design” menu.
Inst a l l any of these “looks” as your Master Slide, or
chose your own fonts, colors, backgrounds and styles
from among the many selections (e.g., Format menu,
Contextual Menus are little menus that pop up when you click the mouse to show you many
useful shortcuts. The Menu changes to fit whatever you click on.
Windows users: The “right-click” on a Windows computer is achieved by clicking and holding
down the control key on a Macintosh.
Macintosh users: Start using the second mouse button! Hold down the control key and click on
something with the mouse. You will find many useful shortcuts!
Information Technology Media Center | Department of Biochemistry | UW–Madison | Tutorials
Lesson 2. Creating slides SlideView & OutlineView
The presentation you are going to create is one that you and your colleague, Christopher Columbus,
will use to convince Queen Isabella to finance your new venture, called New World Expeditions.
There are three views one can use to create PPT slides: Normal, Outline and Slide. In Slide View you
see one slide at a time as you type the text and draw the graphics. In Outline view you see the outline
of all the text on your slide. In Normal View, you see the outline, the slide and a place for speaker
1) Return to the first blank slide in your presentation (NOT the Master slide), by c l i cking on
the Sl ide i con in the views button in the lower left corner of your screen (or select SSlides from the
V i e w menu)
2) Type the title of the first slide into the title box
Click in the title box, then type: WW e must a c t soon
Click inside the Body text box, then type the following short list, pressing return as indicated:
Favor abl e w e a the r < r tn>
In c r e as e in competi t ion < r tn>
Ava i l able c r e w (don’t press <rtn>!)
Not e : within a body box, the <rtn> key takes you to the next line, and also creates the bullet for the
next outline entry. If you ended up with an extra bullet, place the cursor after it, then press the
delete key.
Cli ck anywhere outside of the body or title boxes to deselect them.
3) Save your work by choosing “S ave ” from the File menu, and selecting an appropriate file
name (e.g. P r a c t i c e_1.ppt).
4) Now we will make 2 more slides from the Normal View. This method is a really slick
way to enter lots of nicely formatted text. You can easily use it to create a lot of slides for a lecture.
Information Technology Media Center | Department of Biochemistry | UW–Madison | Tutorials
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