
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Universal Keyboard Shortcuts


There are a variety of menu systems within each computer program, which contain

an even greater number of options and selections. You will most likely find that in

using programs, you will select the same options multiple times. Keyboard shortcuts

allow you to do this immediately without navigating confusing menus, providing you

know what option you wish to use. Keyboard shortcuts consist of holding down one

button on the keyboard (such as "Alt" or "Ctrl"), and pressing one (or sometimes

two) more button at the same time, and releasing them.

Learning the shortcuts can save you time and clicks, since you can do things from

the keyboard while typing without needing to move your fingers to the mouse!

The results listed alongside the keyboard shortcuts in this tutorial assume that you

understand what that result is. The keys used in shortcuts include Alt, Ctrl, F(1, 2,

3). The "Alt" is short for "Alternate" key. It acts as a second "Control" key (see

"Ctrl"). You always use the "Alt" in conjunction with another key. "Ctrl" is short for

"Control", as in "control key combination." You also press this key while holding

another to create the desired action. The set of F(1, 2, 3, etc.) keys along the top of

the keyboard have different functions, depending on what program you are currently

using. If you are not sure, either consult a tutorial on this site concerning the

program you are working with, or the help file in the program, itself.

These "universal" keyboard shortcuts will generally work in nearly every program

you will work with. They are generic options such as saving, quitting, and

manipulating text.

Most Commonly Used:

Ctrl + A = select all available text / images / etc.

Ctrl + X = cut selected text / image / etc.

Ctrl + C = copy selected text / image / etc.

Ctrl + V = paste copied or cut text / image / etc.

Often Used

Ctrl + S = save current document

Ctrl + O = open a document within the current program

Ctrl + W = close current window

Ctrl + N = create new document within the current program

Ctrl + P = print current document

Ctrl + Z = undo the previous action

Ctrl + Y = redo

Ctrl + F = find certain text in current document

Other Shortcuts:

F1 = help menu

Alt + Tab = switch back and forth between opened programs

Alt + F4 = quit current program

Ctrl + Alt + Delete = brings up the task manager; close non-responding programs;



Most Commonly Used:

Shift + Enter = line break

Ctrl + H = find and replace (also F5)

F7 = spelling and grammar

Shift + F7 = thesaurus

Other Shortcuts:

Ctrl + K = insert a hyperlink

F3 = finish word with autotext


Most commonly used:

Ctrl + E = align center

Ctrl + J = align justified / full

Ctrl + L = align left

Ctrl + R = align right

Ctrl + W = insert symbol/special character

Ctrl + Enter = new page

Shift + Enter = line break

Other shortcuts:

F3 = save as

F7 = indent

F9 = format font

F12 = insert table

Ctrl + F1 = spell checker

Ctrl + F4 = close

Ctrl + F5 = draft view

Ctrl + F7 = hanging indent

Ctrl + F11 = insert horizontal line

Ctrl + Shift + F3 = show / hide paragraph tags

Ctrl + Shift + F7 = double indent

Ctrl + Shift + F11 = insert vertical line

Alt + F1 = thesaurus

Alt + F5 = page view

Alt + F3 = show codes

Alt + F7 = format line flush right

Alt + F8 = format styles

Alt + F9 = sort

Alt + F12 = program settings

Alt + Shift + F1 = grammatik

Alt + Shift + F3 = show / hide ruler

Alt + Shift + F5 = show / hide bars

Shift + F7 = format line center

Shift + F9 = merge


Most commonly used:

Esc = stop loading current page

Tab = moves selection between address bar and links on current page

F3 = find certain text in current document

F5 = refresh current page (also Ctrl + R)

F6 = set text input to address bar (also Ctrl + Tab)

F11 = switch to full-screen mode

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + D = add current page to favorites list

F4 = expand address bar downwards to view list of recently visited sites


Most commonly used:

Ctrl + D = fill up

Ctrl + G = go to the next instance of an entered phrase of text

Ctrl + H = find and replace

Ctrl + R = fill right

Ctrl + 1 = format cells

F7 = spelling and grammar

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + K = insert a hyperlink


Most commonly used:

F5 = slide show view

F6 = next pane

F7 = check spelling

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + E = align centered

Ctrl + L = align left

Ctrl + M = new slide

Ctrl + R = align right


Most commonly used:

Esc = stop page loading

Tab = move selection between location bar and links on current page

Ctrl + 1 = opens Navigator

Ctrl + D = bookmarks current page

Ctrl + H = history

Ctrl + R = reload page

Ctrl + Shift + N = new blank page

Alt + > = forward

Alt + < = back

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + 2 = opens Messenger

Ctrl + 4 = opens Composer

Ctrl + 7 = opens radio

Ctrl + 9 = opens AOL Instant Messenger

Ctrl + B = edit bookmarks

Ctrl + Shift + 1 = message center

Ctrl + Shift + 2 = opens address book

Ctrl + M = new message (e-mail)

Ctrl + U = view page source

Ctrl + ] = increase font

Ctrl + [ = decrease font

Ctrl + Shift + I = security info

Ctrl + I = view page information


Most commonly used:

F12 = preview in main browser

Shift + Return = insert a single line break

Ctrl + Shift + Space = insert non-breaking space

Ctrl + F12 = preview in secondary browser

Ctrl + J = page properties menu

Ctrl + L = make link

Ctrl + Q = quit

Ctrl + Tab = switch views (source, source and design, design)

Ctrl + Shift + S = save as

Ctrl + Shift + T = open / close the toolbar

Ctrl + A (within a table) = select table

Ctrl + Alt + M (within a table) = merge selected cells

Ctrl + Alt + S (within a table) = split selected cell

Ctrl + M (within a table) = insert row

Ctrl + Shift + A (within a table) = insert column

Ctrl + Shift + M (within a table) = delete row

Ctrl + Shift + - (within a table) = delete column

Ctrl + Shift + ] (within a table) = increase column span

Ctrl + Shift + [ (within a table) = decrease column span

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + E = edit with external editor

Ctrl + T = quick tag editor

Ctrl + U = preferences

Ctrl + Shift + 1 = align left

Ctrl + Shift + 3 = align tight

Ctrl + Shift + 4 = align top

Ctrl + Shift + 6 = align bottom

Ctrl + Shift + 7 = make same width

Ctrl + Shift + 9 = make same height

Ctrl + Alt + A = insert an anchor

Ctrl + Alt + D = insert Shockwave

Ctrl + Alt + F = insert Flash

Ctrl + Alt + I = insert an image

Ctrl + Alt + T = insert a table

Ctrl + Alt + V = create new editable region

F2 = layers menu

F3 = Find Next

F4 = hide panels

F5 = refresh design view

F8 = site files

F10 = code inspector window

F11 = assets

Alt + F8 = site map

Ctrl + F2 = object window

Ctrl + F3 = properties window

Ctrl + F8 = check links sitewide

Ctrl + F11 = HTML styles window

Shift + F2 = frames window

Shift + F3 = behaviors window

Shift + F7 = check spelling

Shift + F8 = check links

Shift + F9 = timeline window

Shift + F10 = history window

Shift + F11 = CSS styles window

Ctrl + Shift + F1 = reference window

Ctrl + Shift + D (in site window) = get file

Ctrl + Shift + U (in site window) = put file

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + D (in site window) = check out file

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + U (in site window) = check in file


Most commonly used:

Ctrl + G = find again

Ctrl + L = full screen

Ctrl + M = zoom to

Ctrl + N = go to page (insert number in box)

Ctrl + Q = quit program

Ctrl + + = zoom in

Ctrl + - = zoom out

Other Shortcuts:

Ctrl + 0 = fit in window

Ctrl + 1 = actual size

Ctrl + 2 = fit width

Ctrl + 3 = fit visible

Ctrl + 4 = reflow

Ctrl + Shift + A = deselect all

Ctrl + Shift + F = search query

Ctrl + Shift + G = search results

Ctrl + Shift + J = cascade windows

Ctrl + Shift + K = tile windows horizontally

Ctrl + Shift + L = tile windows vertically

Ctrl + Shift + S = save a copy

Ctrl + Shift + P = page setup

Ctrl + Shift + W = search word assistant

Ctrl + Shift + X = search select indexes

Ctrl + Shift + Page Up = first page

Ctrl + Shift + Page Down = last page

Ctrl + Shift + + = rotate clockwise

Ctrl + Shift + - = rotate counterclockwise

Ctrl + Alt + W = close all

Alt + Left Arrow = go to previous view

Alt + Right Arrow = go to next view

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow = go to previous document

Alt + Shift + Right Arrow = go to next document

F4 = thumbnails

F5 = bookmarks

F8 = hide toolbars

F9 = hide menu bar


Most commonly used:

Ctrl + B = bold

Ctrl + I = italicize

Ctrl + Q = quit program

Ctrl + K = check spelling

Shift + Enter = insert line break

Other shortcuts:

Ctrl + 1 = opens Navigator

Ctrl + 2 = opens Messenger

Ctrl + 4 = opens Composer

Ctrl + 7 = opens radio

Ctrl + 9 = opens AOL Instant Messenger

Ctrl + D = bookmarks current page

Ctrl + E = align center

Ctrl + H = history

Ctrl + L = align left

Ctrl + R = align right

Ctrl + U = underline

Ctrl + W = close window

Ctrl + = = increase indent

Ctrl + - = decrease indent

Ctrl + Shift + K = remove all styles

Ctrl + Shift + L = insert link

Ctrl + Shift + 1 = message center

Ctrl + Shift + 2 = opens address book

Keyboard shortcuts for Windows

< http://www.out-loud.com/keyboard_shortcuts_for_windows_95.html >

Comprehensive listing of the majority of Windows-specific keyboard shortcuts.

Windows 2000 Keyboard Shortcuts Reference <

http://www.labmice.net/articles/keyboard.htm >

Comprehensive listing of Windows 2000-specific keyboard shortcuts, including subprograms

such as Windows Explorer.

Keyboard shortcuts instead of the mouse < http://www.bilbo.com/shortcut.html >

User-submitted keyboard shortcuts and techniques to help navigate the computer

without the use of a mouse.Your Saved Searches

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